Camara Kodak DX6490 con Raynox DCR250. Flash Difusor Homemade. F8 a 1/500
Eristalis tenax (Hembra - Female)
Order : Diptera – Family : Syrphidae.
Description : Eristalis tenax is one of the larger hoverflies (family Syrphidae). Hoverflies are classic Batesian mimics, harmless but closely resembling bees or wasps (order Hymenoptera), and Eristalis is one that closely resembles the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, not only in appearance but also in behaviour as it visits flowers. However, as a true fly it has just a single pair of wings, the hind wings having been modified into the tiny, drumstick-like halteres, which provide balance in flight. The males commonly hover in woodland clearings, aggressively defending small territories.
The larva of Eristalis and related genera is the "rat-tailed maggot" so called because it has a long, rear, tail-like, extendable breathing-tube, enabling it to live submerged in organically polluted, deoxygenated aquatic sediments.
Orden de Eristalis tenax (Hembra): Diptera - Familia: Syrphidae.
Descripción: Eristalis tenax es uno de los sirfidos más grandes (familia Syrphidae). Inofensivo pero que se asemeja a las abejas o a las avispas (himenópteros), de cerca se parece a la abeja de la miel, Apis mellifera, no solamente en aspecto pero también en comportamiento. Sin embargo, como mosca verdadera solo tiene un par de alas, las alas traseras siendo modificadas como halteres, que proporcionan el balance en vuelo. Los varones defendien agresivamente territorios pequeños.
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