viernes, 24 de agosto de 2007

Lasiommata megera

Camara Kodak DX6490 con Raynox DCR250
Campo de Tarragona - Pueblo de Siurana - Spain

Lasiommata megera
Familia Satíridos
Lasiommata megera

Distribuida en toda la Peninsula Iberica
Generaciones Vuela desde mayo, primera generacion y en julio y agosto la segunda
Hábitats: Prefiere zonas de senderos, bordes de setos, cercos, matorrales.
Altitud Hasta los 2.500 metros de altitud.
Observaciones Su oruga se alimenta de Poa, Festuca, Agrostis etc

Declining in some inland areas, slight spread in north of Britain.
The Wall is aptly named after its habit of basking on walls, rocks, and stony places. The delicately patterned light brown undersides provide good camouflage against a stony or sandy surface. In hot weather, males patrol fast and low over the ground, seeking out females. In cooler weather, they will bask in sunny spots and fly up to intercept females, or to drive off other males.
The Wall is widely distributed, but rarely occurs in large numbers. Over the last decade, it has declined substantially in many inland areas of central England and Northern Ireland.
Conservation status
UK BAP status: Proposed Priority Species
Butterfly Conservation priority: high
European threat status: not threatened
European/world range
Extends across most of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, between 33 °N and 55 °N, and into southern Scandinavia. The range appears to be expanding northwards in Europe, although declines have been reported in several countries.
Various grasses are used, including Tor-grass (Brachypodium pinnatum), False Brome (B. sylvaticum), Cock's-foot (Dactylis glomerata), bents (Agrostis spp.), Wavy Hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa), and Yorkshire-fog (Holcus lanatus).
The Wall breeds in short, open grassland where the turf is broken or stony. It is found in dunes and other coastal habitats (including vegetated undercliffs and rocky foreshores) as well as disturbed land (including railway embankments and cuttings), disused quarries, derelict land, and gardens.

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criatura dijo...

Magnifica macro de esta magnífica modelo. Saludos