domingo, 7 de enero de 2007

Lucilia caesar (Greenbottle)

Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Mandibulata
Clase: Insecta
Subclase: Holometabola
Orden: Diptera
Suborden: Brachycera
Infraorden: Muscomorpha
Superfamilia: Oestroidea
Familia: Calliphoridae
Subfamilia: Lucilinae

Tanto el tórax como el abdomen de esta mosca presentan un color verde metálico muy brillante. Aparecen sobre los excrementos de los animales, sobre cadáveres, barro putrefacto, sobre ellos se alimentan y se aparean.
Las hembras ponen varios centenares de huevos que tienen un desarrollo muy rápido. Sin embargo, el número de ejemplares se ve diezmado por los pájaros, los murciélagos, y sobre todo, los fríos y las lluvias.

This fly belongs to the Calliphoridae family and is bluish green to emerald, often becoming coppery with age. The eyes are bare and the jowls silvery. The 4th long vein in the wing is sharply bent, and the size varies. It is found on dung, carrion and flowers everywhere, but not often found indoors. The larvae can sometimes be found in wounds on sheep and other animals.
Description: 8-15mm, with a metallic green body and silvery jowls below the hairless red eyes.
Food and Habits: Adults feed on nectar and carrion juices. They fly at all times of the year, including mid-winter, when they can be seen basking on sunny walls. The maggots feed on carrion, including scraps of meat and fish consigned to the dustbin.
Habitat and Range: Found in a wide range of habitats, and common around houses, yet rarely venturing indoors. Common throughout the UK.

Lucilia caesar ou "Lucile impériale" : larves saprophages, créophages ou sarcophages.
"Mouches vertes des cadavres" (colorations variant autour du vert émeraude, cuivré ou bleuâtre). La femelle: yeux nus, 4e nervure longitudinale très courbée.

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