Una foto de Esteve Bosch, su galeria personal
Son caracteristicos los anillos medios del abdomen rojizos, seguidos de otros pardo-claro flanqueados de blancos para terminar en un mechon anal negro pero amarillento en el centro. Las alas son hialinas, aunque las venas, una mancha discal y una ancha banda marginal, son rojizas.
Species Hemaris thysbe (Fabricius) -- common clear-wing, hummingbird moth, sphinx colibri
Hemaris thysbe, the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth or Common Clearwing (wingspan 38-50 mm), readily visits flowers by day.
Single-brooded Hemaris thysbe stock flies in June and July.
Females call in the males with a pheromone released from a gland at the tip of the abdomen.
Hummingbird Moths grow up to 5 cm long. They have an olive-green body with red bands across their abdomen. Tufts of hairs from the end of the abdomen look a lot like feathers. The wings of this moth are mostly clear, sometimes with some red near the body.
Hummingbird Moths live in fields, gardens, and forest edges.

Hemaris fuciformis
Sphinx gazé or Sphinx fuciforme in French
Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth in English
C'est un lépidoptère appartenant à la famille des Sphingidae.
* Répartition : régions paléarctiques sauf dans le nord.
* Envergure du mâle : de 17 à 20 mm.
* Période de vol : d’avril à août en deux générations.
* Habitat : cette espèce diurne est attirée par les fleurs bleues.
* Plantes-hôtes : Lonicera, Galium, Scabiosa succisa, Lychnis, Knautia et Dipsacus.
Source : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemaris_fuciformis
1 comentario:
Una excelente pillada con las alas abiertas, me imagino que debe de ser difícil. Saludos.
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