martes, 28 de agosto de 2007

Tephritis bardanea

Camara Kodak DX6490 con Raynox DCR 250
Campo de Tarragona - Reus

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: DipteraSuborder: Brachycera
Section: Schizophora
Subsection: Acalyptratae
Superfamily: Tephritoidea
Family: Tephritidae

La familia de las Tefriditas agrupa varias subfamilias. Alrededor de 500 clases que agrupan más de 5000 especies.
Esta familia de insecto comedores de frutas sufre regularmente cambios para su taxonomía. El estudio de esta familia es de una importancia económica determinada para la agricultura (pomología).
* Blepharoneurinae (5 clases, 34 especies)
* Dacinae (41 clases, 1066 especies)
* Phytalmiinae (95 clases, 331 especies)
* Tachiniscinae (8 clases, 18 especies)
* Tephritinae (211 clases, 1859 especies)
* Trypetinae (118 clases, 1012 especies)
* No se incluyen tres clases que incluyen 32 especies en sus subfamilias (ince sedis).

La famille des Tephritidae regroupe plusieurs sous-familles. Environ 500 genres regroupant plus de 5000 espèces. Cette famille d'insecte mangeurs de fruits subit régulièrement des changements pour sa taxonomie. L'étude de cette famille est d'une importance économique certaine pour l'agriculture (pomologie).
* Blepharoneurinae (5 genres, 34 espèces)
* Dacinae (41 genres, 1066 espèces)
* Phytalmiinae (95 genres, 331 espèces)
* Tachiniscinae (8 genres, 18 espèces)
* Tephritinae (211 genres, 1859 espèces)
* Trypetinae (118 genres, 1012 espèces)
* Trois genres incluant 32 espèces ne sont pas inclues dans ses sous-familles (incertae sedis).

Tephritidae is one of two fly families referred to as "fruit flies." Tephritidae does not include the biological model organisms of the genus Drosophila, which is often called the "common fruit fly". Drosophila is, instead, the type genus of the second "fruit fly" family, Drosophilidae. There are nearly 5,000 described species of tephritid fruit fly, categorized in almost 500 genera. Description, recategorization, and genetic analysis are constantly changing the taxonomy of the fruit fly family.
Tephritid fruit flies are of major importance in agriculture. Some have negative effects, some positive. Various species of fruit fly cause damage to fruit and other plant crops. The genus Bactrocera is of worldwide notoriety for its destructive impact on agriculture. The olive fruit fly (B. oleae), for example, feeds on only one plant: the wild or commercially cultivated olive. It has the capacity to ruin 100% of an olive crop by damaging the fruit. On the other hand, some fruit flies are used as agents of biological control, thereby reducing the populations of pest species. Several species of the fruit fly genus Urophora have been shown to be effective agents against rangeland-destroying noxious weeds such as starthistles and knapweeds.

Most fruit flies lay their eggs in plant tissues, where the larvae find their first food upon emerging. The adults usually have a very short lifespan. Some live for less than a week.

Fruit flies use an open circulatory system as their cardiovascular system.
Their behavioral ecology is of great interest to biologists. Some fruit flies have extensive mating rituals or territorial displays. Many are brightly colored and visually showy. Some fruit flies show Batesian mimicry, bearing the colors and markings of dangerous insects such as wasps because it helps the fruit flies to avoid predators; the flies, of course, lack stingers.

Extract from Wikipedia

2 comentarios:

Antonio J. Muñoz dijo...

Es impresionante el color de los ojos de estos insectos. el otro día fotografié yo unas que sus colores eran rosados y anaranjados.

Mònica Utjés (Ireth) dijo...

Odio las moscas! estas tambien, se comen mis frutas antes de recogerlas del árbol!. Lo siento, aunque la has pillado muy bien, ya sabes que por mi son feas!
Un besito

pd. Le pasa algo al blog? últimamente me va más que lento por entrar y casi se bloquea el Firefox siempre que lo intento...